Friday, January 11, 2013

Pre-Move-In Sightseeing

"Where the crowds will cheer 

When they see my face 
And a voice keeps saying 
This is where I'm meant to be"
- Hercules - 

Today I hiked forty-five minutes up to the legendary Hollywood sign, in nothing but my socks. I felt it reflected the uphill, painful struggle to make it in Hollywood...
Just kidding, I wore brand new tennis shoes that ended up being horrendously uncomfortable. Socks ended up being the more comfortable choice, and was easily ignored when I got to a point where I could see Walt Disney Studios from way up above. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a tear or two in my eyes. 

An obvious follow up to seeing the real life Hollywood sign in all its glory was to visit a movie studio! We headed to Sony Pictures Studio, where I found that even I was at a loss to name movies that had been filmed there. In the backlot, we walked by a set that had been used in the classic masterpiece Click, with Adam Sandler. I was less than starstruck until we were told that this lot was used in the filming of one of my favorites, The Wizard of Oz
Wheel of Fortune was what brought us to Sony, and we got to watch three episodes being taped! I was overwhelmed. My favorite way to spend my afternoons after class was sitting back on the couch and judging what dress Vanna was wearing. My lucky little sister, who I'm certain has never seen Wheel before, got to be on camera! I'll be holding onto that grudge for awhile.
After a drive through Beverly Hills, and down Hollywood Boulevard, we were some very tired tourists. 
Tomorrow I'll be lunching with extended family in Downtown Disney, and then visiting with my long lost "other brother" in Long Beach. Sunday is the big move in day, and I can't wait to be posting photos of my new apartment and beautiful roommates.
(I'm hoping to add photos to this post once I'm done editing them)

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